1) Added THE MAPLE LEAF RAG (#2) December 1983, edited by Garth Spencer, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia, Garth.
2) Added SFA DIGEST (#1) 1982, edited by Jim Welch, Margaret Galbraith-Hamilton, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, (click on) British Columbia ]
3) Added CALLISTO RISING (#1) 1981, edited by E. B. Klassen, Under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia, Klassen.
4) Added Alberta SF Conventions (A to Z) under SF Conventions, Alberta, (A to Z).
5) Added ( S ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering SACRED TRUST to SYNAPSE, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).
6) Added ( K ) Fanspeak Terms covering KTP, ( L ) Fanspeak terms covering LACKTIVITY to LITHOGRAPHY, ( M ) Fanspeak Terms covering MIMEOGRAPHY to MIMEOZINE, under Fan History, Fanspeak, ( A to Z ).
7) Added ( N ) Fan Legends & Lore covering NEWARK NEANDERTHAL to NYDAHL’S DISEASE, ( O ) Fan Legends & Lore covering OBLIQUE HOUSE to OZARK LOVE CAMP, ( P ) Fan Legends & Lore covering PAN-GALACTIC GARGLE BLASTER to THE PROFESSOR, ( R) Fan Legends & Lore covering ROOM 770 to ROSCOE, ( S ) Fan Legends & Lore covering THE SENATORS OF FANDOM to STAPLE WAR (FIRST), under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore, ( A to Z ).