July 16/2013

1) Added 1988 CUFF Trip Report — Taral Wayne under CUFF.

2) Yesterday I wrote four zines reviews, striving to keep each under 50 words so that the whole-mini-review could be absorbed in a single glance. Today I decided ‘Not good enough!’ and rewrote all four with the format of first listing contents and then commenting in some length on same which requires the reader to click on the title of each post in order to ‘read more’ i.e. read the review in full. I will adopt this format from now on.

3) Today I am actually researching my own site looking for potential nominees for the upcoming Faned Awards. See? This site not entirely useless after all.

July 15/2013

Yea! Thanks to Jean Hollis Weber for adding sidebar to home page.

1) Wrote 4 capsule descriptions of latest published zines ‘BROKEN TOYS’, ‘ONE SWELL FOOP’, ‘OSFS STATEMENT’ AND ‘BCSFAZINE,’ and placed in sidebar.

2) Added ‘What’s Happening?’ Latest News Current Status pages for BCSFA and the Faned Awards.


CONTENT: Editorial: Fandom as cult?  I Dream of Jeannie retro-review. Essay on an artist’s work ethic. Steve Stiles Hugo advocacy. Fictional character Saara Mar birthday. Excellent loc column. Essay: In Defiance of the Received Wisdom of Ayn Rand. COMMENT: Perzine.Taral is Canada’s most prolific fan writer and artist. Been going strong since 1970s. His editorial and musings on commissioned art suggest he is getting tired and jaded to the point of ‘Been there. Done that. Nothing new under the sun.’ But also concern over the lack of recognition or egoboo available to fen who put huge effort into fandom/zinedom. I was always under the impression it was ever thus. Still, in the past, at least, zines generated an enormous response percentage compared to say, newspapers (Don’t get excited kid. Tomorrow they’ll use your column to wrap fish.”) Lots of people read newspapers and magazines (even online ones) but few can be bothered to write letters to the editor. Those that do tend to be cranks. In the days of paper hard-copy zines the level of response was both high and (most of the time) relatively civil. Today, ezines are read, but not responded to (either because the reader figures they have no obligation since it cost the editor nothing to send it to them, or because the few fen active in zinedom are too busy producing their own zines to take time out to write locs). Taral seems to think lack of response means no one reads his work, so what’s the point of knocking himself out for nothing? But I think zines are in fact read, and appreciated, enjoyed even, but the modern trend is not to respond, a trend which is unfortunate for faneds as it lessons the influx of egoboo, but is irrelevant to the fact that zines do indeed get read. Hence the rising importance of segoboo (self egoboo) wherein the faned imagines ‘the’ reader who enjoys his work and that’s the person he writes for. Any response, any response at all, is mere icing on the cake. Or to put it another way, I view zinedom as the ideal hobby for solitary individuals who take pride in the creation of their zines and simply assume that other fen appreciate the effort when they read their latest publication. One should not not require ‘proof’ in today’s era since praise is no longer in vogue. In his editorial Taral wonders if fandom is now a ‘cult’ since, to him, all modern fen seem very much alike. Personally, I would call fannish zinedom a ‘religion’, inasmuch as it requires ‘faith’ to be successfully motivated to carry on. In short, the evolution of fandom has transferred emphasis from egoboo to segoboo, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from pubbing their ish in my opinion. It’s just the way things are these days.

See Taral zines


CONTENT: Perzine. Reflections on moving, aging, population growth. Loc column includes fannish fandom advocacy/debate. Articles on convention running, silly editing symbols, Garth’s Society for the Perpetuation of Fandom Facebook group, ‘Who Wants to be a Mad Scientist?’ Taral on US fighter plane competition. COMMENT: The usual eclectic mix, but unusual (in zinedom generally) for emphasis on the motivation and practice of fannish fandom, subjects which most fanzines (oddly enough) avoid completely. I believe it is fair to say that Garth consistently writes from an academic viewpoint, so much so that sometimes even his humour comes across as sercon to those not used to his dryly intellectual style of humour. For the uninitiated everything comes across as deadly serious, which, of course, is not Garth’s intention. The thing is, Garth doesn’t so much ‘live’ fandom as ‘think’ fandom. He can always be counted on to question everything, and in that sense comes across as a bit of a gadfly since most (regular as opposed to fannish) SF fans don’t care about the past, or the future for that matter, they just want to have fun NOW! But to those fans (like myself) who are fascinated by the origins of fandom, revel in current zinedom, and care about where organized fandom is heading, Garth is always interesting and certainly thought-provoking.

See Garth Zines


CONTENT: Clubzine Ottawa SF Society. News on Landset 8 satellite. List of mostly Ontario upcoming conventions. Three book reviews, including 1972 L. Sprague de Camp’s THE FALLIBLE FIEND. Lloyd Penney loc.  Articles on old astronomy ideas and spaceport in orbit. COMMENT: Most issues put emphasis on astronomy. This is OK with me, as I like astronomy (especially planetary geology) but might not appeal to all fen (it being a curious fact that many fen ignore space doings as being too mundane!). Editor Grant Duff laments the decreasing amount of fanac in the club, especially as it impacts contributions to the zine. A problem with all clubs these days, it seems. From my experience as ‘God-Editor’ of BCSFAzine years ago, the trick is to convince lots of people to write regular columns (a trick I learned from the previous editor Steve Forty). This involves the care and feeding of said individuals with much egoboo, but no editor can afford to take his/her contributors for granted. In fandom, egoboo is the coin of the realm. Encouraging loc writers another good trick (especially if you can actually manage to do it). A loc column, with editorial interjections, can make for a lively debate that sparkles up any zine considerably.


July 14/2013

1) Added “Links to ‘WHAT’S HAPPENING?’ latest news update pages” line in the home page ‘welcome’ section. So far points to VCON. Will add AURORA Awards, reviews of newly published zines, BCSFA & WCSFA as soon as I’ve done up their pages. And maybe other items in the future.

Not much action today, as I’m off to the monthly VCON ConCom committee meeting. Happy to say the writers workshops I’m in charge of have a full slate (12) participants submitting manuscripts. But if you’re interested contact me at rgraeme[at]shaw.ca and I’ll put you on the waiting list (so far none on list). Last year three people dropped out at the last minute so the first three people on the waiting list got to participate. No promises this year, just possibilities. NOTE: to qualify, you must be A) serious about writing, and B) a paid-up member of VCON (see ‘What’s Happening?’ VCON link above for details on membership rates and how to sign up).

July 13/2013

1) Added BCSFAzine (#195) August 1989 — Editor R. Graeme Cameron, Under SF Clubs/Orgs BCSFA.

2) Added BCSFAzines (#300-330) edited by John C.H. Wong, under SF Clubs/Orgs BCSFA.

3) Added assorted documents to History of WCSFA Archives including, 1981 Archive rules proposal, Gerald Boyko Archivist report #4 1981, transfer receipts re Gerald passing on archive to me, and 4 of my State of the Archive Reports from 1996.

July 12/2013

1) Added links from onsite Zines index page to the various zine pages.

2) Added 1952 Canadian Fan Directory published by CSFA, under Canadian Science Fiction Association.

3) Added VCON 1 ASSORTED DOCUMENTS page with advert poster, invite letter to GoH Ursula K. LeGuin, Sun Newspaper review of VCON 1, and Province Newspaper review by Michael Walsh of VCON 1, under SF Conventions, VCON.

4) Added first two BCSFAzines (#193, 194) edited by R. Graeme Cameron, under SF Clubs/Orgs, BCSFA.

5) Added BCSFAzines (#331-429) 2000-2009 edited by Garth Spencer, under SF Clubs/Orgs, BCSFA.

REVIEW: BCSFAzine #482 July 2013 Editor FELICITY WALKER

CONTENT: Brad Foster cover. Opens with loc column. Calendar of Lower Mainland SF&F events thru end August. Notes on last club meeting’s conversation. Assorted SF news items. My open letter to Canadian Faneds. Red Planet Blues book launch report.

COMMENT: Unusual for a zine to open with the loc column, but I like locs, so works well for me. The Calendar is extensive and detailed, giving a good run down of what is going on locally. News items short and varied, which is a good way to do it. Always a good read.

See BCSFAzines

July 10/2013

This is my first blog posting. My thanks to Jean Weber for converting my home page into a blog and for having the patience to explain to me how to post. I really am extraordinarily computer illiterate. No intuitive logic instincts at all.

Be that as it may, today I accomplished:

1) Added IMPULSE (Nov 89, Jan 1990) — edited by T. MASON, C. MAGNUSSEN, & K. BRAITHWAITE, a frequent MonSFFA Newsletter, under SF Clubs/Orgs, MonSFFA.

2) Added WARP (V.2#1) 1988 — edited by MICHAEL MASELLA & KEVIN HOLDEN, the major MonSFFA Newsletter, under SF Clubs/Orgs, MonSFFA.

3) Added REQUIEM (V.1#1) Septembre 1974 — edited by NORBERT SPEHNER, later became SOLARIS, under SF Zines, Quebec Zines.