CONTENT: Perzine. Reflections on moving, aging, population growth. Loc column includes fannish fandom advocacy/debate. Articles on convention running, silly editing symbols, Garth’s Society for the Perpetuation of Fandom Facebook group, ‘Who Wants to be a Mad Scientist?’ Taral on US fighter plane competition. COMMENT: The usual eclectic mix, but unusual (in zinedom generally) for emphasis on the motivation and practice of fannish fandom, subjects which most fanzines (oddly enough) avoid completely. I believe it is fair to say that Garth consistently writes from an academic viewpoint, so much so that sometimes even his humour comes across as sercon to those not used to his dryly intellectual style of humour. For the uninitiated everything comes across as deadly serious, which, of course, is not Garth’s intention. The thing is, Garth doesn’t so much ‘live’ fandom as ‘think’ fandom. He can always be counted on to question everything, and in that sense comes across as a bit of a gadfly since most (regular as opposed to fannish) SF fans don’t care about the past, or the future for that matter, they just want to have fun NOW! But to those fans (like myself) who are fascinated by the origins of fandom, revel in current zinedom, and care about where organized fandom is heading, Garth is always interesting and certainly thought-provoking.

See Garth Zines

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