August 22/2013

1) Added ZERO-G LAVATORY (#1) Fall 1994, edited by Scott Patri, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia.

2) Added NOVOID (#2) 1986, edited by Colin Hinz, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Saskatchewan.

3) Added British Columbia SF Conventions (A to Z) under SF Conventions, British Columbia, (A to Z).

4) Added A.E. van Vogt Awards, A.E. van Vogt 2012 Winner, & A.E. van Vogt Awards rules, under Awards, Awards (Canadian).

5) Added ( P ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering PANDORE to THE PURPLE ANNEX, ( Q ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering QUEEBSHOT to QUETZALCOATL, ( R ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering RED SHIFT to ROTHNIUM, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

6) Added ( H ) Fanspeak Terms covering HEKTOGRAPHY to HEKTOZINE,   ( I ) Fanspeak terms covering INTERLINEATIONS to ISA, ( J ) Fanspeak Terms covering JUSTIFICATION, under Fan History, Fanspeak.

7) Added ( H ) Fan Legends & Lore covering HEKTOGRAPHER’S HANDS to THE HIBITED MEN, ( I ) Fan Legends & Lore covering IAOPUMUMSFTPUSA to “IT’S A PROUD AND LONELY THING TO BE A FAN,” ( J ) Fan Legends & Lore covering JOE FANN to JULES VERNE PRIZE CLUB, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore.

August 21/2013

1) Added OTTAWA SF STATEMENT (#412) August 2013, edited by GRANT DUFF, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Ontario Zines, OSF Statement.

2) Added ( N ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering NEOGENESIS to NUCLEAR BUNNIES, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

3) Added ( O ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering ODDS ‘N ENDS to OTUS, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

4) Added ( E ) Fanspeak Terms covering EDITOR to ESPERANTO, under Fan History, Fanspeak, E.

5) Added ( F ) Fanspeak Terms covering FANADIAN to FOUT!, under Fan History, Fanspeak, F.

6) Added ( G ) Fanspeak Terms covering GESTAFAX to GESTETNER, under Fan History, Fanspeak, G.

7) Added ( E ) Fan Legends & Lore covering EGO to EPHLESS EL, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore E.

8) Added ( F ) Fan Legends & Lore covering FAN DRINKS to FUTURE FANTASY FRENCH, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore F.

9) Added ( G ) Fan Legends & Lore covering GANGLION OF FOUR to THE GREAT SPIDER, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore G.

August 20/2013

1) Added NEW CANADIAN FANDOM, EH? (#1) April 1982, edited by Taral Wayne, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Ontario, Taral.

2) Added PIT ROT (#1) June 1978, edited by Steve George, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Manitiba Zines, Steve George.

3) Added WINDING NUMBERS (#1) Fall 1975, edited by Randy Reichardt, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Manitoba Zines, Randy Reichardt.

4) Added (M ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering MACABRE to MY THEORY WHICH IS MINE AND BELONGS TO ME, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

August 18/2013

1) Added BCSFAzine (#483) August 2013, edited by Felicity Walker, under Clubs/Orgs, BCSFA, BCSFAzines, Felicity.

2) Added ZOZMA (#11) November 1978, edited by Steve George, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Manitoba Zines.

3) Added LAID (#3) June 22, 1978, edited by Michael S. Hall, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Manitoba Zines.

4) Added ( H ) section of fanzine bibliography covering the zines THE HAT GOES HOME to HYPERSPACE, under SF Zines, Fanzines, (F — J).

5) Added ( I ) section of fanzine bibliography covering the zines IF TODAY IS TUESDAY, THIS MUST BE KWANGCHOW to IZZARD, under SF Zines, Fanzines, (F — J).

6) Added ( J ) section of fanzine bibliography covering the zines J’ACCUSE to JUST ME, under SF Zines, Fanzines, (F — J).

7) Added ( D ) Fanspeak Terms covering DABBLERS to DUMMY, under Fan History, Fanspeak, D.

8) Added ( D ) Fan Legends & Lore covering “DEATH WILL NOT RELEASE YOU” to DUFF, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore D.


August 17/2013

1) Added TORUS (#1) 1986 edited by Lloyd Penney, Michael Wallis, & Keith Soltys, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, (click on) Ontario, Misc.

2) Added ( G ) section of fanzine bibliography covering the zines GALLIFREY GAZETTE to GUESTS & GHOSTS, under SF Zines, Fanzines, (F — J).

3) Added ( C ) Fanspeak Terms covering CALENDAR to CRUDZINE, under Fan History, Fanspeak, C.

4) Added ( C ) Fan Legends & Lore covering CARR, JOAN W. to CPASF, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore C.