A quiet day for these pages because:
1) I continue to research nominees for upcoming Faned Awards and prepare a new issue of THE FANACTICAL FANACTIVIST to promote same.
2) I am busy contacting authors for the three writers workshops I am moderating at VCON 38. Already have a full slate of ‘newbies’ to submit manuscripts to the authors but people are welcome to ask to be added to the waiting list. Sometimes people drop out at the last minute and the first individuals in the waiting list can be plugged in. See VCON current status if you are interested.
3) Have to start thinking about my next FAPA and eAPA contributions, not to mention my next SPACE CADET.
You can get a lot of fanac done when you’re retired!
NOTE: I just added info re the upcoming July 28th VCON Summer Picnic and more info on the Writers Workshops to the VCON current status page.