1) Added four documents concerning UBC SFFEN: 1968 club application form, 1970 letter from Isaac Asimov, proposal for 1971 SF Festival, and minutes of first two club meetings in October of 1968.
2) Added MARCHING TO VICTORIA (1996) by Garth Spencer, (a history of Victoria clubs), under Club/orgs SFAV, History AND under Fan History, Garth.
3) Tidied up SF Zines menu tree.
4) Added À BAS (#0) 1954 — edited by Boyd Raeburn, under SF Zines Historic.
5) Added MOHDZEE (#1) 1948 — edited by Fred Hurter Jr, under SF Zines, Historic.
6) Added a question and answer to the FAQ regarding the matter of who has responsibility for the contents of everything uploaded to this site.
7) Added a question and answer to the FAQ as to whether a non-Canadian zine can be hosted at this site.
8) Added a question and answer to the FAQ as to whether fan fiction will be hosted at this site.
9) Added UP THE TUBE (SFAVzine V.1#1) 1978 – edited by Stan G. Hyde, under SF Clubs/Orgs SVAVzines.